The Virtual School of Music is comprised of
teachers, students, musicians and the arts patrons.
As a community, we agree to be members that
will respect each other, seek reconciliation
where possible and be responsible for our actions.
Therefor, we ask that you do not get involved
in any unwanted profane, offensive, obscene
or sexual exchanges or to attempt to harm a
young person in any way.
While using the web site and services of The
Virtual School of Music, we ask that you do
* Use vulgar, profane, offensive or obscene
* Post or request sexually explicit images or
other offensive content.
* Exploit a minor in any way.
* Use racially, religiously or sexually offensive
* Discuss illegal activity.
* Ask for or offer sexually explicit images,
and/or material harmful to children.
* Harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything
else to another VSM community member that is
* Infringe anyone else's intellectual property
rights, including but not limited to any copyright,
trademark, rights of publicity, or other proprietary
* Try and get a VSM’s member's password
or other account information.
* Post or request personal or other information
from a minor (any person under the age of 18).